This report covers the period 01/01/2010 to 30/06/2010.
In brief
This programme update focuses on the work of the Asia Pacific zone office in the first six months of 2010 to provide leadership and guidance to the International Federation efforts to increase the impact of Asia Pacific national societies' humanitarian activities. Many societies across the zone have maintained a high level of programming in several new disaster response operations and continued comprehensive post-disaster recovery activities, while others have started reviewing their development activities in line with the International Federation's newly adopted Strategy 2020.
Financial situation: The zone office programme budget for 2010 has been revised down to CHF 3,198,939 (USD 2.95 million or EUR 2.42 million). Coverage is 89 per cent and expenditure is 36.2 per cent.
Click here to go directly to the attached financial report.
See also Asia Pacific Zone Plan 2010-11, and the regional and country programme updates covering the period January-December 2009.